Monday, December 3, 2007

Thursday, June 7, 2007

My Online Flip Book

I have made my flip book. It is online from the flip book website that has been showed by Mrs.Jane. I am a thinker because I was thinking and trying hard to make it. It is enjoyable also for me.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Rawabening And Sukabumi

Rawabening is a gemstones shop there is more than one hudred gems there is many types of gems we can see all of them.
And there is sukabumi there is many gems then we can buy it.
it is not too hard to buy it.
There is many designs in that sukabumi so go there and buy stuffs.

Monday, June 4, 2007

My Flipbook

In my flipbook, I made a story about a car is crashing a stickman.
The stickman is crashed when he is walking around.
At the end of the story a car crashed him and the stickman died.
I was happy when I made this flipbook because I think this project is so interesting.
We could use our own cartoon and creativity:)  .

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The LIght Game

For a couple of weeks ago I played alien atack that showed in There is a object then we can block the light.
If there is a tranparent it will let pass the light. Jelly fish will make softer shadow. If the object came closer it would make more shadow.

The light only reflect light (=O It will be easy just find a smooth object.
If you find smooth object then the light will reflect.
Then why light is important because if we don't have light we cannot see anything.
Then we can reflect our self in the miror

What I Learn in a Math Game

When I'm playing the math game I learn about the right angle, obstute angle and acute angle.
It is not too hard to play. It is easy to play. We only measure the correct angle and don't make mistake.
Then we can do it we can try it then we can measure the lenght so it can be easier. Then I will do the homework and it will be easy to do it. We can learn more if we practice more. Then if we get more practice we can get smarter.

It shows the picture that show it is right angled, but if the angle is smaller than right angled it is an acute angle but if it is larger than right angled, it is obtuse angle. For me it is interesting to do because it's not too hard to do.

Monday, May 28, 2007

What I Learn In Mrs. Jane's Game About Sound

What I learn in Mrs. Jane's website there's a game about sound, there is light games and there is some experiment about different sound, for example: if we get our ear close to the drum, we hear louder sound, if we go further the sound will be fainted so the sound is smaller.
Subyek : merah
Predikat : hijau
Obyek : biru
Keterangan : kuning

1. Hari ini kami bermain drama di sekolah.

2. Anna menjahit baju dengan baik.

3. Tanaman itu tumbuh dengan subur di tamanku.

4. Petani membajak sawah di pagi hari.

5. Ibu memarahi Dodi karena kenakalannya.

6. Gigi Dodi dicabut oleh dokter kemarin.

7. Dodi membawa tasnya ke dalam kamar.

8. Andika merawat kucing peliharaannya dengan penuh kasih.

9. Dani mendengarkan nasihat dokter itu dengan sungguh-

10. Sang majikan selalu memperlakukan mereka dengan kejam.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Book Week Reflection

Hello friends, this is my reflection of the book week.
Our school have a book week festival start from monday, May 21st, 2007 and it will be end in May 25th 2007.
Today, wednesday, May 23rd, 2007, I performed my character in fairytale as a Prince of Cinderella. I told the things why I must chase my princess. It's because, I must know her identity, so I could marry her.

I spoke on the stage to describe my character so they would know who I was.
Luckyly, I became the winner of the festival. I was the best descriptor in grade 3, and I tried my best to do it that's why I could be the winner. I trust God, and of course God helps me.

I was not the only winner in grade 3. Adit won for the best costume. Adit's mom helped her son so she could get the trophy for the dress. Preschool until grade 4 joined this festival and grade 3 did a good job.

I enjoyed that festival because everybody did their best so they could perform well on the stage.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Lima Alat Musik Tradisional Indonesia

1. Kolintang

Kolintang adalah alat musik tradisional yang berasal dari Minahasa, Sulawesi Utara. Alat ini dibuat dari kayu lokal yang ringan tetapi kuat.
Nama kolintang berasal dari suaranya: tong (nada rendah), ting (nada tinggi), dan tang (nada biasa).
Kolintang dimainkan dengan cara memukulnya.

2. Angklung

Angklung adalah alat musik tradisional yang berasal dari Jawa Barat. Angklung dimainkan dengan cara digoyang atau digetarkan.

3. Seruling Bambu

Seruling bamboo ini berasal dari Bali. Alat ini dimainkan dengan cara meniupnya.

4. Gondang

Gondang adalah alat musik yang berasal dari Sumatera Utara. Gondang artinya gendang dan dimainkan dengan cara dipukul.

5. Sasando

Sasando adalah alat musik yang berasal dari Pulau Rote, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Alat ini dimainkan dengan cara dipetik. Alat musik ini mirip dengan gitar.


In Ibu Sherly's blog there is the game about funbrain. It is about math game with the topic area and perimeter. I played it again and I enjoyed it much. It was not too hard for me then I practiced that game again. The points that I got after practicing was 9/9. I did well. I know better about area and perimeter now.

My learner profile when did this game is thinker because I was thinking while doing the game. Then I remember and focus on the questions so I get the same points again.

The Points I get from the game

In Ibu Sherly's blog there is a game and I got 7/10 correct anwers. This is about math game with the area and perimeter topic. Well it's hard to get the higher points so I need to try it harder. I really concentrating while I was doing this even I didn't realize it was a game. I failed many times but again I tried.

In this game I am a risk taker because I had a risk while I was doing it and I tried it many times.

The Prince of Cinderella

Hello, I'm the husband of Cinderrella.
I live in a castle.
I'm so tired because I must chase my princess.
Luckily my princess accindentally drop the shoe made out of glass.
Well, it's hard to find the right bride all day long.
Then in the last house in the village, there are two ugly sisters and there is a maid named Cinderrella.
After I fit the looking evil sisters I try the shoe made out glass to the maid.
It fits on the maid named Cinderrella.
Then I found the right bride.
After that I marry her.
Thank you for listening!!!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Say Selamat Masineger

Lagu dari Tapanuli

Say selamat masineger negeri

Agena geuni si bual buali

Tu siantar tu Sipirok Panjang Port de Kock

Say selamat masineger sineger

Ampar Ampar Pisang

Lagu dari Kalimantan Selatan

Ampar ampar pisang

Pisangku belum masak

Masak bigi dihurung bari bari

Masak bigi dihurung bari bari

Manggalepak manggalepok

Patah kayu bengkok

Bengkok dimakan api

Apinya clang curupan

Nang mana batis kutung

Dikitipi dawang

Nang mana batis kutung

Dikitipi dawang

Ayo Mama

Lagu dari Maluku

Ayam hitam telurnya putih

Mencari makan dipinggir kali

Sinyo hitam giginya putih

Kalau ketawa manis sekali

Ayo mama jangan mama marah beta

Dia cuma cuma pegang tangan beta

Ayo mama jangan mama marah beta

Lah orang muda punya biasa

Paku Gelang

Lagu dari Sumatra Barat

Gelang sipaku gelang

Gelang si rama-rama

Mari pulang marilah pulang

Marilah pulang bersama-sama

Mari pulang marilah pulang

Marilah pulang bersama-sama

Tak Tontong

Lagu dari Sumatra Barat

Tak tontong kalamai jaguang

Tak gunda gunda kacumbuang basi

Daulu Balaki ajuang

Kini balaki tukang padati

Tak tontong kalamai jaguang

Tak gunda gunda kacumbuang basi

Kok iyo katowai anduang

Rumah sudah si upiak balaki

Friday, May 18, 2007

Hello friends this is the drag racing game try it if you want

Free Online Games bibliografphy:

Thursday, May 17, 2007

This is the tradisional song from indonesia, I hope you can read it in indonesia
Lagu Ampar-Ampar Pisang berasal dari daerah / provinsi Kalimantan SelatanLagu Anak Kambing Saya berasal dari daerah / provinsi NTTLagu Angin Mamiri berasal dari daerah / provinsi Sulawesi SelatanLagu Anju Ahu berasal dari daerah / provinsi Sumatra UtaraLagu Apuse berasal dari daerah / provinsi Papua

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Blue Court of My School

This is the picture of the bluecourt in my school. Today I was in activity, and my partner was Matthew. And we cut paper and I use a ruler to put the correct metre. I can draw this picture by drawing it in paint. It looks like my teacher's picture but her picture is better than mine. I need to learn more.
The lenght of the blue court in the school is 33m lenght the withd is 20 my pyp profile is inquer because I want to know the perimetre and area. and how to find the perimetre and area

Monday, May 14, 2007

The Cup-A Phone diagam

How to draw this picture?
I used art rage program

Suara Binatanag-Binatang

Mau tahu suara binatang? Ini dia....
1. Burung...............berkicau
2. Kucing...............mengeong
3. Anak ayam.........mencipcip
4. Burung gagak.....bergagak
5. Anjing................menggonggong
6. Merpati..............kur
7. Tokek................menokek
8. Kambing........... mengembek
9. Tikus................... men cit-cit-cit
10. Ayam jantan...... berkokok
11. Harimau............mengaung.
12. Ular...................mendesis


Thursday, May 10, 2007

My Mind Mapping

Reflection about Cup-a-Phone

I'm a caring person because in the morning in our UOI lesson, we made a cup-a-phone. We learnt how to make it. My partner was Kalista. I helped her to make a cup-a-phone. After that I used something to make a hole as big as the string. Then Kalista waited so long for me and then I was done.

Then, I and Kalista tested then there was a sound wave travelled by the string one second so it can be heard.

I'm a thinker, too. I thinked about the hole size and how to cut it, the straigtness and tightness of the string. Besides that, I gave Kalista some advices and the plan to make it. =) 0=)

Refleksi tentang Fieldtrip ke Mekarsari

Pada tanggal 27 April lalu, aku dan teman-temanku pergi berkarya wisata ke Taman Buah Mekarsasari .Kegiatan yang dilakukan
yang paling menyenangkan sekaligus sulit bagiku adalah menangkap ikan. Karena ikan itu licin sehingga susah ditangkap. Bagiku ikan itu juga menjijikan dan kotor.

Waktu aku masuk ke dalam kolam ikan itu, aku merasa menginjak bubur di kolam itu. Aku melihat plastik-plastik yang mngapung di air. Aku tidak tahu bagaimana mulut ikan timbul ke atas . Baunya seperti sampah yang sangat menyengat. Aku mendengar teman-temanku yang menendang air. Prat, pra, prat. Selain itu aku juga mendengar suara teman-teman yang ketakutan dikejar ikan. Aaaaahhhhh.......tolong!! Lariiiiiii...Tiba-tiba aku mendengar suara ikan. Bluk....bluk....blukkk.

Asyik ya berkarya wisata ke alam. Bermain lumpur juga enak.........

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Water Pollution

1. What is water pollution?
Water pollution is activities by human that has bad effects upon water bodies fro example to the lakes, rivers, oceans, and groundwater.

2. Find what things that can pollute water in your environment?
Things that can pollute water in our environment are rubbish, sewage, heavy metals, waste industries, waste from houses, mud, oil or gasoline that pour from ship.

3. What can you do as Grade 3 students to prevent that to happen?
Many things that we can do as grade 3 students for example do not littre, never throw away rubbish into the river or the water, suggest other students to keep clean water.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


We learn from Jesus about caring based on how Jesus really cares about us. We should care to each other, especially our family, friends, teachers, people around us, and people who need us. We show our care to people not just because we have to, but it has to come from our heart.

Jesus will be happy to see our kindness because we are taking His example of caring to each other. He also will be happy because we are following what He has taught us to care each other.

My Avatar

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Interactive Buddy

Fieldtrip to Mekarsari

Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics     Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics

On the fieltrip to Mekarsari I like the fishing. It was my favorite activity. We could go down and dirty than usual. Well, I really enjoyed it because we had a lot of fun when we were fishing in the pond. Then we changed our clothes to the old ones because we would have a dirty thing. We rapidly catched the fish but the fish ran away because it was hard to sneak up on it.

Well, it looked like a slippery one and the fish was not dangerous. What I did was running around and spot a fish. I tried to catch a fish but I could not beacause its tail was flicking itself. Maybe it wanted to move and be free like a bad guy who is trying to escape from the police with a car.

Fishing in the pond smells like a rotten egg. When I touched it felt like it was spanking my hands. What a wonderful day!

Interactive Buddy

What Is Mud?

Create a Myspace LED Scroller

Well, mud is soft wet earth, or watery soil. It is the mixture of water with combination soil and clay. When we step into mud, our feet will be hard to move. It is slippery. We can find mud when we go to wet places, for example when we go to the rice field or to the rain forest.

Mud is a good place for buffalo, elephants, and pigs to stay in because they can bathe, cool off and protect themselves from the sun by watering their bodies. It is also a good place for rice to grow up.
Some animals, like worms, frogs, snails, and fish like to make mud as their home.

Mud can be used as materials for making ceramics, and ceramics become home decorations. Mud also can become the materials for industries.


Monday, April 30, 2007

lava lamp

Create a Lava Lamp

Reflection About Mekarsari fieldtrip

This is my reflection about Mekarsari fieldtrip. We, teachers and grade 3 students went to Mekarsari on Friday, 27 April 2007. I was so exciting. I was even more exciting after looking at my mother appear on my door on Friday morning. She could joined with me. There, we went down to fish pond. We tried to cathced fish but I couldn't catch any fish. Sad. Hesky got four fish. He was a good cather. The next activity was washing buffalo. This is my first experience. Can you imagine, I am small but I can wash a big buffalo. I was scared before, I kept my distance. After a couple of minutes I came closer to that big buffalo. I bathed that buffalo. Strange....buffalo only washed by using dirty water. No shower, no soap.

Then we went to the rice field. was muddy and slippery. I didn't want to put my feet into the mud. But finally, I had a brave to go down into the mud because my teachers and my friends went into it. We planted the rice. At that time I learn how to plan rice and now I know how farmers work. Now I know where the rice come from.

We still have time and we had fun. We had a mud fighting. All my friends were covered by mud. Suddenly we were changing into mud creators. We had a shower before taking break and painting a farmer hat. The last activity was taking a tour around Taman Buah Mekarsari.

We really enjoyed this trip. Time to go home........It is my very exciting fieldtrip.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

my cat

Comments put on friends

I have put comments on my friends blogs. They are:

Comments put on friends

I have put comments on my friends blogs. They are:


Thanks God, this Wednesday we had done our 4th Market Day. We sold again our gemstone. We had the news ones. They were Phoenix Egg and Harry Potter. Usualy I am the donater but now I am the stock card. Then I'm confused about the shape and the name of our producs. Then I think it over and ask others what are the names. Then when lunch time, Mrs. Jane asked me to be the donater again. I think I'm a good one because I was able to arrange people to be a donater. There were some teenagers gave me Rp1000.00 while others gave me coins.

My Future Soccer Shirt - Create custom images

My Favorite Animation Series

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsmyspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


We are learning about meter this time. K stands for kilometer. Kilo (K) means 1000, so kilometer means 1000 meters.
Definition of Meter
Meter is the international standard unit of length, approximately equivalent to 39.37 inches. It is as the distance traveled by light in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458 of a second.

The metric system was invented in France inn 1790 by the French National Assembly directed the Academy of Sciences of Paris, to standardize the units of measurement. A committeee were the mathematicians Jean Charles de Borda, Joseph-Louis Comte de Lagrange, Pierre-Simon Laplace, Gaspard Monge, and Marie Jean Antoine Nicholas Caritat, the Marquis de Condorcet (1743-1794). They used a decimal system and defined the meter to be one 10-millionths of the distance from the equator to the Earth's Pole (that is, the Earth's circumference would be equal to 40 million meters).

The word meter itself comes from the Greek word metron, which means measure. The centimeter was defined as one-hundredth of a meter; the kilometer was defined as 1000 meters.

Bencana Lumpur Lapindo

Jika saya adalah salah satu korban lumpur lapindo saya memerlukan:
1. sekolah karena kita bisa belajar supaya kita bisa jadi pintar.
2. pakaian karena semua pakaian sudah terendam lumpur.
3. rumah untuk tempat berteduh.
4. mainan dan alat tulis supaya kita tidak bosan.
5. makanan dan minuman supaya kita tidak kelaparan.

my second pet

my pet

this is my diagram picture because the other people to see our own diagram

Thursday, April 19, 2007

What my parents want from me...

My friends, when we have homework about what my parents want from me, I am a little bit sad because that homework can be done when we sit down together with our parents, so we can hear what they wants from us. This time I can not do this homework because my parents are not here. They are in Singapore now because my dad is still in the hospital. I can not sit together with them to discuss about this homework. What I know while we were together before they go to Singapore, I know that they have something that they want from me such as:
1. They want me to study hard now so in the future they want me to be a successful child.
2. They want me to be kind to every one especially to all my friends so in the future I can be a helpful person.
3. They want me to respect to my teachers, my parents and elder people, so in the future I know how to respect others.
4. They want me to be a responsible child, now and forever.
5. They want me to have a faith, trust in Jesus and never forget to pray. In the future, they want me to serve God.

I will ask them again about these to make sure. But those five things always mention every time so I always remember them.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

IBO Learner Profile

As a PYP student we have our own profile. We will get the concepts from our teachers so we will have skills,we can develope actions and attitudes to be a beter student


I am caring with my dad when he is sick and also I am caring with other people who are sick too. When my dad is sick he needs me beside him so I can show that I CARE HIM.

2. Communicator

I am a good communicator. I speak with my sister who are living in Canada now by telephone. Sometimes I send her e-mail. I communicate with her by using bahasa Indonesia and English so I will have a skill to explain in different language.

3. Inquirer

As a inquirer, I like reading book especially science books so I will know more about this world. I like to find some information through internet, too because I have a curiosity to know something new.

4. Knowledgeable

I can remember many things that I have learned in grade three.So when my teacher ask a question, I can anser that ques tion

5. Open minded

As an open minded student, I realy like to listen to others' idea or listen to my friends ' suggetions. Also, I am very pleased tp listen to my parents.

6. Principled

I show principled by following God's rules and my parents' rules. Rules are good to be followed to make me become a good student.

7. Reflective

I realized that I have strengths and weakness. When I look back my report card, I know that I need to improve my performance. I should reflect on it and not to do the same mistakes anymore.

8. Risk-Taker

I am a risk-taker. I like to try something new in my life. For example, when I see a new game or an activity, I like to try how to play it. Also, when I see math problems, I have a willing to try to solve that problem.

9. Thinker

I think first before doing my homework so I can a little mistakes,I can predict the outcome .If I cannot find the out come I will think again by using another way.

10. Balanced

I should eat healthy food to get a healthy mind. Later on I will be balanced when I 'm thinking.One day I can manage my emotions.