Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Book Week Reflection

Hello friends, this is my reflection of the book week.
Our school have a book week festival start from monday, May 21st, 2007 and it will be end in May 25th 2007.
Today, wednesday, May 23rd, 2007, I performed my character in fairytale as a Prince of Cinderella. I told the things why I must chase my princess. It's because, I must know her identity, so I could marry her.

I spoke on the stage to describe my character so they would know who I was.
Luckyly, I became the winner of the festival. I was the best descriptor in grade 3, and I tried my best to do it that's why I could be the winner. I trust God, and of course God helps me.

I was not the only winner in grade 3. Adit won for the best costume. Adit's mom helped her son so she could get the trophy for the dress. Preschool until grade 4 joined this festival and grade 3 did a good job.

I enjoyed that festival because everybody did their best so they could perform well on the stage.


Jane in Java said...

I am so proud of you Joshua.

Jane in Java said...

Your past tense is really improving Joshua. Your score is 8/10